Friday, March 10, 2017

There's Beauty in Everything

"Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful." ~Zoe Kravitz

Hey everyone! Hayley again, here to update you with the progress of Relatable Magazine!

As I'm sure you all read above (If you didn't please, please, PLEASE read it!) the quote by Zoe Kravitz speaks of the beauty of life. As people, we all have different visions of what makes life beautiful: it could be having a smart and sound mind, watching people all over come to the aid of others because they have good morale, or the materialistic items in which people feel they cannot live without. Whatever the case, everyone has their own niche in happiness.

While not everyone in the world thinks the same thing of what makes life beautiful, some responses can be more similar to each other than others. This is where we as people typically fraction people off into groups, and from these groups we can get a general idea of what they enjoy in life.

This is where Relatable Magazine comes in. As I discussed in my previous post, my group and I decided that Relatable will be more of a fashion, beauty, and lifestyle magazine; geared toward young adult and teenage girls. Our reasoning behind this is simply because we ourselves are teenage girls, soon to be entering young adulthood, and can relate more to this group of women in what makes them happy. As I said before, not everyone believes the beauty of life to be the same thing, but we can be clumped into these groups in which we have a general liking for certain topics.

As inspiration for Relatable Magazine, I looked into popular, well-known fashion and lifestyle magazines, one being Teen Vogue. The online Teen Vogue magazine features regular sections that I plan to include in Relatable, such as:
  • Fashion
  • Beauty
  • Entertainment
  • My Life
  • Wellness
  • 21 Under 21
Teen Vogue is not the only magazine I took inspiration from. Seventeen Magazine also included sections that would work well in Relatable, including:
  • Prom
  • Beauty
  • Celebs
  • Quizzes
  • Your Stories
Overall, the sections these magazines included are the indicator as to why they are popular among teenage and young adult women. Despite the women's different backgrounds and cultures, they all typically enjoy fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and all of the other topics listed above. Combined, these things represent what teenaged and young adult women view as beautiful in life.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

A Star is Born

"Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process begins."

These wise words by Jim Rohn can apply to many different situations in life. Today, I am applying this quote to my life; the beginning of my Foundation portfolio begins here.

When beginning this AICE Media Studies course at the start of the 2016-2017, my peers and I were shown examples of the highly anticipated Foundation Portfolio project. While back then I thought creating my own Foundation Portfolio was far off in the distant future, I have come to realize that the project has snuck up on me, shoving me into cold water to wake me up: I need an idea and fast.

Despite being nearly clueless as I embark on this journey, I am not walking around like a headless chicken; I knew that I was going to create a magazine. I initially began doing research on popular magazine topics to write on, eventually finding The link is included here.
Topics on this page included:

  • House keeping 
  • Fashion/Beauty
  • Lifestyle
  • Cooking
  • Sports
  • Family

After discussing with my group the different magazine ideas we had thought of, we decided to create a magazine that focused on aspects such as fashion, beauty, and lifestyles of teenaged girls, something they can relate to. Hence, Relatable Magazine, our 'star,' was born.